Nothing to Laugh About
A healthy 31 year-old comedian warned,” While visiting my parents in Massachusetts, I developed flu-like symptoms and ended up testing positive for COVID-19. Despite having no pre-existing conditions, I landed in the ICU on a ventilator before being airlifted to a second hospital for 99 days.”
This is no laughing matter: prepare for the second wave of COVID-19. Please get your flu shot. Coming down with the flu can cause confusion as to whether, or not, you have COVID and/or compromise your immune system in fighting off this infection.
In addition to getting your flu shot, make sure you have a thermometer and an oximeter. If you contract COVID, readings on these two instruments can save your life.
Thermometer-higher than 100.4
Oximeter-lower than 93.
If you would like to learn more about this story, click here to read the full article.
Stay Safe,
Dr. Andrei